If you are interested in any of my publications but do not have access, please feel free to get in touch with me for a copy at yueming[dot]zhang[at]manchester[dot]ac[dot]uk
Peer-reviewed journal articles
Thompson, J., Mahat, M., Tregloan, K., Rivera-Yevenes, C., Lomer, S., Cockayne, H., and Zhang, A.Y. 2025. Exploring the meaning of campus through lived experiences of students, staff, and visitors. Higher Education Research & Development, 44(1): 49-67.
Zhang, A.Y., Roast, A., and Morris, C. 2023. Introduction: urban-digital spectacle. Mediapolis: A Journal of Cities and Culture, 8(1).
Zhang, A.Y., Roast, A., and Morris, C. 2022. Wanghong urbanism: towards a new urban-digital spectacle. Mediapolis: A Journal of Cities and Culture, 7(4).
Zhang, A.Y. 2019. Placing arts districts within markets: a case study of 798 arts district in Beijing. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 43(6): 1028-1045.
Zhang, A.Y. 2018. Thinking temporally when thinking relationally: temporality in relational place-making. Geoforum, 90: 91-99.
Lin, G.C.S., and Zhang, A.Y. 2017. China’s metropolises in transformation: neoliberalizing politics, land commodification, and uneven development in Beijing. Urban Geography, 38(5): 643-665.
Lin, G.C.S., and Zhang, A.Y. 2015. Emerging spaces of neoliberal urbanism in China: land commodification, municipal finance, and local economic growth in prefecture-level cities. Urban Studies, 52(15): 2774-2798.
Edited book
Andres, L., and Zhang, A.Y. (eds.) 2020. Transforming Cities through Temporary Urbanism: A Comparative International Overview. Cham: Springer.
Book chapters
Zhang, A.Y. 2022. Chongqing: international cyberpunk marvel / national policy innovator. In D.G. Martin and J. Pierce How to Think about Cities. Cambridge: Polity Press, 123-152.
Zhang, A.Y. 2020. Address urban regeneration challenge with temporary creative uses: the case of Beijing’s Dashilar area. In L. Andres and A.Y. Zhang (eds.) Transforming Cities through Temporary Urbanism: A Comparative International Overview. Cham: Springer, 187-197.
Zhang, A.Y. and Andres, L. 2020. Conclusion: transforming cities through temporary urbanism. In L. Andres and A.Y. Zhang (eds.) Transforming Cities through Temporary Urbanism: A Comparative International Overview. Cham: Springer, 231-239.
Andres, L., and Zhang, A.Y. 2020. Introduction: shaping the international research agenda of temporary urbanism. In L. Andres and A.Y. Zhang (eds.) Transforming Cities through Temporary Urbanism: A Comparative International Overview. Cham: Springer, 1-10.
Zhang, A.Y. 2018. Pop-up urbanism: selling old Beijing to the creative class. In M. Jayne (ed.) Chinese Urbanism: New Critical Perspectives. London: Routledge, 137-148.
Zhang, A.Y. 2016. Arts districts or art-themed parks: arts districts repurposed by/for Chinese governments. In J. Wang, T. Oakes, and Y. Yang (eds.) Making Culture Cities in Asia: Mobility, Assemblage and the Politics of Aspirational Urbanism. London: Routledge, 69-79.
Book reviews
Zhang, A.Y. 2022. Rethinking ‘elsewhere’. Book review of Engaging comparative urbanism: art spaces in Beijing and Berlin, Julie Ren. City, 26(4): 745-750.
Zhang, A.Y. 2021. On Shifting Foundations and spatial strategies in and of China. Book review symposium: On Shifting Foundations. Urban Studies, 58(12): 2584-2597.
public writing and podcast
Voices Episode 3: Amy Y. Zhang, Asa Roast and Carwyn Morris on Wanghong Urbanism. Mediapolis. June 2023.
S01 Episode 9: We Built This City on a Camera Roll. Chaoyang Trap. July 2021.