I am a human geographer working at the intersection of urban, economic, and cultural geographies. My research focuses on urban politics and governance, urban knowledge and policy mobilities, postcolonial urban theory, and state-society relations of China. My current and previous work has looked into urban political economy of arts and creativity as well as land commodification in Chinese cities. My research has been funded by the British Academy, IJURR Foundation, and Lincoln Institute of Land Policy, and has appeared in Urban Geography, Urban Studies, International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, and Geoforum.
Since October 2019, I have been a Lecturer (Assistant Professor) in Urban Planning at the Department of Planning, Property and Environmental Management in the School of Environment, Education and Development, The University of Manchester, where I contribute to teaching across the undergraduate and postgraduate programmes. Prior to Manchester, I worked as a Lecturer in Human Geography in the School of Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences at the University of Birmingham and as an Adjunct Teaching Professor in the Department of Integrative & Global Studies at Worcester Polytechnic Institute.
I hold a PhD in geography from the Graduate School of Geography at Clark University (2016) and a MPhil in geography from the Department of Geography at The University of Hong Kong (2012). A native of Beijing, China, I completed my undergraduate studies in urban and regional management in the School of Government at Peking University (2009).
If you are interested in discussing ideas of research projects or collaborations, please feel free to contact me at yueming[dot]zhang[at]manchester[dot]ac[dot]uk. You can also find me on my institutional webpage, Google Scholar, ORCID, and Twitter.